I know it has been a while, sometimes life gets in the way and the planning of my trip to see friends and concerts took all my time too.
So here I am in Chile now, where I saw Nuclear live last night. And it was awesome! It was a short, but sweet show, but you know some shows will never be long enough.
I hope to show you some new things on my YouTube channel soon and not only new livevideos, but you'll see when I'm ready with that. I think it will be a very nice extra on my channel there. And I hope to improve that every time ofcourse (I'm not a music-beginner, but with blogs, videos and stuff I still am).
I will update the concertdates as soon as I have time and wifi again, which can be difficult when you travel and want to see a lot.
Will you wait until the band you like maybe will play your city or are you prepared to travel around your country or even cross (far away) borders to see them live? If you are able travel around, I would say do it! Nothing better than new places, new sights, new experiences, new friends and seeing the band you love. Not that it's all fun always, some things go wrong ofcourse. I for example, totally couldn't find a venue I was supposed to visit to see Atlas Losing Grip. It was kind of embarrasing, but some days...well, some days can better be over quickly hahaha. But for every bad day thousands of good and awesome ones.
So 2015 is approaching quickly and I can tell you some albums that I'll be looking forward to:
The new Atlas Losing Grip, that is released on January 16th is one I was eagerly waiting on. Can't wait for great great music and Rodrigo's voice, yes!!
Also, ofcourse I'm can't wait to have the new Nuclear album in my hands. The magicians of awesome oldschool thrash with the amazing riffs, are supposed to release a new album in 2015 as well, so I'm already excited for this!
Ah yes, my friends from Fuzi and Anzol as well, are still working on their albums, so I expect 2015 will be their year also. If it doesn't matter to you that they sing in Portuguese, and you like punkrock and rock'n'roll from the heart, than you surely need to check their new stuff next year!
Another punkrelease to look forward to is the new Versus The World-album. Can't wait to see these guys giving their all live the stage again and the new album should be great as always! No doubt in my mind about that.
Let's not forget the thrash/deathkings of Amsterdam called Seita, 2015 should be their year as well. If I remember correctly the new album will be released in the first part of 2015 and these guys will blow you away with their songs if you give them a chance in your record-/cd-player (and on stage ofcourse).
The punkveterans of Good Riddance are I'm the studio again as well, so I think we might expect the new album of them in 2015 too! That would be so good to hear some new things next to the already impressive discograpy they already have.
I'm probably forgetting loads of bands and I'm sorry for that, but hey I'm on vacation ;-).